How can I hide my posts from others except my friends?t Hello everyone, In this article I will tell you how you can hide your facebook post from public. If you want to make your privacy alive you should do it. Now lock up your all posts, photos and everything that you want. There are two ways to make your post hideen 1. Turn off facebook post visiblity for public 2. change post privacy each time Turn off facebook post visiblity for public Steps Click menu button from top right corner, go to settings, click profile settings, find "privacy" and click it, Next tap " who can see your future post ", set it to friends. you may chnage your past post's privacy to friends ( see below). change post privacy each time you may also change your post privacy to friends while you posting on facebook, vi...
Do you want to download locked Facebook account DP then this article may help you. The way to view locked account's profile picture isn't difficult, It's useable when you want to view the profile picture of that locked profile who sent you the friend request. Steps: 1. Copy the link of that profile 2. Go to this website ( Click Here ) 3. After that click get profile picture 4. Press and hold to download the profile picture high quality. Add a comment below if you have any problem, Subscribe us on YouTube (Apk Palash)